martes, 22 de enero de 2008

Helena - my chemical Romance.♥

hermoso este video *.* me emociona.♥

jajjajaj! el vocalista me fascina ♥


Long ago Just like the hearse you die to get in again We are so far from you Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate The lives of everyone you know And what's the worst you take (worst you take)from every heart you break (heart you break)And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)Well I've been holding on tonight[Chorus]What's the worst that I can say?Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight Came a time When every star fall brought you to tears again We are the very hurt you sold And what's the worst you take (worst you take)from every heart you break (heart you break)And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)Well I've been holding on tonight [Chorus]What's the worst that I can say? Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight And if you carry on this way Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight Can you hear me? Are you near me? Can we pretend to leave and thenWe'll meet againWhen both our cars collide?[Chorus]What's the worst that I can say? Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight And if you carry on this way Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight.


q hermosa palabra juro q sin ellos no seria completamente
feliz :) son làs personas màs lindas del planeta.
q estan ahi cuando uno màs lo necesita esos son los de verdad
los q te apoyan en todo y q apesar de la distancia no te olvidan

e tenido decepciones de algunas personas q han dixo ser
tù amigo y despuès te das cuenta q no lo eran realmente
las personas asi kedan solas , por no ser sinceras y por envidiosas.

tengo un grupo de amigos q los adoroo mxo, por q son los
los mejores amigos q cualkier persona decearia tenerlos.
cuando tengo personas asi a mi lado los kuidoo pero es muximo.
y no dejo q nada malo les pase, las kosas malas de ellos me afectan

solo decirles a todos q si tienen amigos asi
q los cuiden mxo , los de verdad se cuentas con los dedos
de una mano :)
y estan contigu siempre.♥



My friends say you're so into me
And that you need me desperately
They say you say we're so complete. ♥

But I need to hear it straight from you
If you want me to believe it's true
I've been waiting for so long it hurts
I wanna hear you say the words, please

Don't, don't let me be the last to know
Don't hold back, just let it go
I need to hear you say
You need me all the way
Oh, if you love me so
Don't let me be the last to know .♥


Your body language says so much
Yeah, I feel it in the way you touch
But til' you say the words it's not enough
C'mon and tell me you're in love, please

Don't, don't let me be the last to know
Don't hold back, just let it go
I need to hear you say
You need me all the way
Oh, if you love me so
Don't let me be the last to know

C'mon baby, c'mon darling, ooh yeah
C'mon, let me be the one
C'mon now, oh yeah .♥

I need to hear you say
You love me all the way
And I don't wanna wait another day
I wanna feel the way you feel
Oh, c'mon

Don't, just let me be the one
Don't hold back, just let it go
I need to hear you say
You need me all the way
So…baby, if you love me
Don't let me be the last to know.♥

lunes, 21 de enero de 2008


- soy alegre, chistosa,enojona,kabra chika,
seria con gente q me desagrada, llorona
segura de mis actos,celosa,infantil,madura
pinso antes de actuar.♥
depresiva cuando lo estoy me gusta fumar,escuxar musik
leer,escribir,comer chocolates y lloro un dia entero.
desordenada, me fascina dormir es mi hobbie xD!
me gusta jugar play.
salir con amigos (as)
sincera , kuido mxo a mis amigos y personitas q amo.
me apesta la injusticia! como pecas pagas :)
inteligente,agresiva,posesiva,obcena jajajaj mi lado : niña mal.
todos tienen ese lado.
en realidad soy la niña màs dulce del planeta.♥
confiable,buena amiga.

odio a la gente patetika q habla mal de los demàs y todo les da envidia, me carga
q haya gente de mierda tan egocentrika y q se crea mxo.
esa gente està condenada a ser infeliz el resto de su vida :)

I close my eyes and you are everything I see.♥

Silence screams, "you're just so beautiful in blue".♥ breathless stares escape your undying eyes are you blind to my sorrow and sympathy? a piece of me will die with your last breath... this will all be over soon for you are so lost inside glazed eyes long for the waves' embrace drawn to an end so near...♥ far away are days when you smiled just to hear my voice why are you trying to run away? my love, I can't find the words to tell you...♥ drown all of your fantasies with your final broken promise silent angel crashes through sky, having lost sight of the stars.♥ regail me with your tales of lonely, bittersweet loss giving up comes to easy when hope is gone I'll walk away so you can choke on your dying breath but if you side against me, to hell with you...♥ far away are days when you smiled just to hear my voice why are you trying to run away? my love, I can't find the words to tell you...♥ the fear has stolen her heart as she wakes from her dream treacherous ink finds her lungs, seizing her screams numb hands now reach too late to take back the light far away are days when you smiled just to hear my voice why are you trying to run away? my love, I can't find the words to tell you...♥ far away are days when you smiled... seas cry out butchering this tragic soul without hope their frailty is broken and now fades into the blue...♥


Creaciòn y Destrucciòn.♥
Por amor se unen las partículas para formar estrellas, por amor rondan los satélites en tomo y; en una danza infinita, se aparean en galaxias. Pero cuando han transcurrido millones de años, las estrellas se descomponen, estallan, asesinan a los planetas, y; convertidas en antropófagas bocas, degluten satélites y galaxias. Un hombre y una mujer se aman, se unen y orbitan el uno sobre el otro. Más tarde sobreviene el odio. Y cuanto han sido estalla, y el dolor se convierte en ciego pozo negro donde todo sucumbe. ♥